miercuri, 28 decembrie 2011

New Year's Disaster Party


Lux Noctis (www.lux-noctis.com) si Tanz Die Revolution (www.tanzdierevolution.com), promoterii gothic-industrialului din Romania, va fac anul acesta o oferta greu sa refuzat! Incepand cu ora 22:00, in Club Underworld, New Year`s Disaster Party prezinta un nou concept in a-ti petrece trecerea dintre ani - intr-o atmosfera aparte, impusa de ritmuri alternative-gothic-industriale!

De asemenea, avem un invitat special venit tocmai din Mexico City si anume, DJ Sharp, care va intretine atmosfera unei seri cu adevarat dark-alternative impreuna cu DJane Malice ( www.tanzdierevolution.com , DJane Grace (www.lux-noctus.com) si DJ Tadasus!

Intrarea va fi de 25 de lei care va include un mic bufet suedez, sampanie la 00:00, si participarea la un concurs care va avea loc la 2:00 am, unde veti avea ocazia sa castigati 5 tricouri!

1 tricou Tanz Die Revolution
1 tricou Lux Noctis
3 tricouri Gotica (www.gotica.ro)

Asa ca ce mai asteptati? Veniti sa petreceti revelionul la cea mai dementa petrecere din oras!

Va asteptam!


Lux Noctis (www.lux-noctis.com) and Tanz Die Revolution (www.tanzdierevolution.com), promoters of gothic-industrial in Romania, are making you an offer that you can't refuse! NEW YEAR'S DISASTER PARTY, a twist of alternative-gothic-industrial, in Underworld Club (48, Coltei St.), starting from 22:00!

Coming from Mexico City, we invited DJ Sharp to be our special guest for this dark night between the years! Mixing along with him will be DJane Grace (www.lux-noctis.com), DJane Malice (www.tanzdierevolution.com) and DJ Tadasus, all of them will make you party like there is no tomorrow on musical genres like post-punk, darkwave, industrial, rockabilly, etc.

Entrance will be 25 lei, which will include also an open buffet with all sorts of appetizers, champagne at the midnight and a mini-contest after 2 o'clock where you will have the chance to win 5 t-shirts!

1 Tanz Die Revolution T-Shirt
1 Lux Noctis T-Shirt
3 Gotica T-Shirts

So come and join us to the New Year's Disaster Party, the most twisted event in town!

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